Friday, May 14, 2010

Your Mission, Should You Choose to Accept it.......... to transport seven cats, one guinea pig, one 2.5 foot olive tree, one international wine collection and one twenty pound 260 year old family bible across 6 states and 1000 miles in 20 hours.

One man and one boy, managing what the moving company could not.

Mission accomplished.

{Sneak on over to Ni Hao Y'all to read other fun Sunday Snapshots!}


  1. Oh nooo! Looks like pure craziness!!
    I've BTDT, without the cats, but with a car FULL of kids. So glad to hear you made it :)

  2. We are moving in 5 weeks so I feel like I am getting a sneak peek into the craziness (we have 4 children and are flying through many time zones and for days . . . )
