Thursday, March 31, 2011

The dinner....

With birthdays two days apart and all the celebrations with friends or family that go along with it, it was gettin' a little crazy. One had a birthday sleepover planned and the other a party with school friends that's still in the works.
So we tried to get everybody together to have a birthday dinner out

We're a pretty large group with lots of noise so we like to pick the busy, noisy places to eat:)

This one had her first bite of lemon.....
...... and probably her last

And of course we had to alert the waitress so we could get the birthday sundaes and the group of clappin' happy singers.

Later at home we opened gifts... some were just as excited for everyone else

And then some crashed a bit early

1 comment:

  1. Loved catching up on your blog. As I read the other day, I told my husband your son has gorgeous blue eyes! Your oldest daughter seems like she would be a lot of fun! I crack up everytime I look at her pics. She is so animated!
    Oh....thanks for your blog comment! I may have to invest in a keyboard! The bathroom was fun to do. We painted it! :) Everyone thinks it is wallpaper until they feel it.
