Sunday, August 4, 2013

Sunday Snapshot~ turning 4

 a lil' somebody turned 4 a few weeks ago...
 and that lil' somebody wanted a Scooby Doo birthday party. ruh roh...
 i mean, do you know how hard it was to find anything Scooby Doo? i was told by one salesperson that Scooby was old school and not so popular. that made me sad, but anyway, i was able to find some things and they were actually on clearance so that was a plus.
 we didn't tell her that her party was that night so it would be a surprise, so while her big sister took her upstairs to play we got ready!
 those masks sure came in handy

when it was time her big brothers waited for her to come down the hallway

 and surprised she was.. the first thing she said was "thank you everyone for my birthday party" ;)

 she loved her Scooby (and her daddy)
 and was completely smitten with her new blue bike!
 you see, blue is her favorite color

 i know i say it all the time, but it really is so hard to believe how much our Lil' Lady has grown and is off to Pre-K this fall.  
  i remember being so nervous about having a baby again and being able to go back to those nighttime feedings and diaper changes but here we are already at four and i'm wondering where in the world the time went.

 sure wish i could find that pause button i've been searching for these last few years....
but Happy Birthday baby girl, we love you so much and can't wait to see what the next four years bring:)
Ni Hao Yall

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