Lil' Lady's first trip out in the boat. She wasn't cold I promise you- those lips are the result of the resort owner slippin' her a berry blue ring pop A storm was rollin' in so we didn't get much time out there but she enjoyed it...I think This was the calm moment just before our oldest pulled out his trophy winning fish.Fifteen minutes before the tournament was to end he pulled out what was later identified as a muskie.
It was quite chaotic and mama wasn't prepared. We had no bucket or cooler to transport it over to the lodge to get weighed. Not really thinking, I had brought down the dish washing pan from the cabin for the "tiny" fish he might catch. As soon as he pulled that thing out I rushed down to the water's edge to fill the pan (my camera on my wrist dipping in the lake as I'm panicking) We tried to fit him inside the pan but his head hung out one side and his tail the other. The only thing the two of us could do was sprint up the hill as fast as we could to the lodge both of us holding on to either side of the pan while water sloshed out and the fish flopped out to the ground several times coating himself in sand. We were quite the scene, flopping fish, both of us screaming for Dad who was in the pool. I worried he wasn't going to survive, heck,I worried I wasn't going to survive. By the time we'd made it up the hill Dad heard us hollerin' and hopped out of the pool to take over. The fish just weighed over a pound but it was heavy enough and long enough to get first place. We learned it was rare to pull a fish like that out of the lake so he was mighty proud. Mama was proud too but also thrilled we were able to release him and he survived. He wanted to be sure I got a shot of the lure he used to catch it, especially since in all the chaos I never got a picture of the fish itself.
Our second, spied at his favorite hangout. Our snack bar tab at the end of the week was over $50. Totally worth it though, it was a huge part of his vacation.
Last day at the lake
We hung around long enough for them to compete in the inflatable log rolling contest
This was not his first place run, unfortunately mama missed that too.
We arrived home late evening and when I was unpacking I caught this moment....all 4 glued to the TV. I guess they missed that view! This is the one I miss though:(
looks like an awesome time :)
ReplyDeleteKaren Gann
That looks like a great vacation! How fun!!!!