We got this

Her sister and brothers helped out by loaning monkeys found in their bedrooms

This little guy is one of the many small tokens and trinkets we brought back from Korea. Our plan is to give her one for her birthday each year. This was actually an unwrapped Happy Meal toy that wiggles his ears when you wind him up. She wasn't all that impressed and loved the sunglasses more. Still, a keepsake someday

She's obviously seen this before, and knows the special power it holds

She also loved the bling

So glad I caught this look so others can witness it- I seem to be the only one that gets it lately

since she promptly sat upon it and wouldn't get off for the rest of the party

Happy Birthday sweet girl, we are so happy to finally share your birthday with you:)
You do such an awesome job documenting your family! I love to come here and see all the pictures and your comments. You have a beautiful family!
Karen Gann