It's kinda hard to show you a picture of our fourth. That's because we don't even know who she is yet.
This post is just a reminder that she is here, in our hearts and we can't wait until we meet her.

We are
The South Korean government is pushing aggressively to increase adoptions by South Koreans and decrease what officials consider the shameful act of sending babies overseas for adoption. Since the 1950s, tens of thousands of South Korean children have been adopted by foreigners, mostly Americans, because of South Koreans’ traditional emphasis on family bloodlines and reluctance to adopt. It's all about appearances.

Adopted children in South Korea carry a stigma. These children suffer in a society where television shows typically portray adopted children negatively, as schemers who end up damaging families. South Koreans who did adopt tended to hide their children’s origins from the children and others. Still, many adoptive parents choose not to share how their families were formed, according to adoption agencies, with some engaging in elaborate ruses to pass off the children as their biological sons or daughters.

Now, the Korean government is campaigning to keep adoptions within the motherland.
Mr. Kim, the Health Ministry official, acknowledged that the history of American adoption had been largely positive. But he said that the government believed that South Korean children would be happier if adopted by South Koreans and that it would stick to its goal of phasing out foreign adoptions in four years.

In recent years, adoption agencies have conducted campaigns — some featuring movie and TV stars (whom you see here) — urging adoptive parents to tell people about how their families were formed in the hopes that more openness would lead to less prejudice. The government’s efforts got a boost when some celebrities adopted and went public with the news.

This is great, however, in my opinion- these babies can thrive in a family that will treasure their Korean heritage and love them to pieces, even if they are from America. It's a shame that families here in the U.S. will be denied the opportunity to adopt these wonderful children someday. As said by Kim Chang-shik, 37, who, with his wife, Yoon Yeo-rim, 38, adopted a daughter four years ago, after the birth of their biological son. “I don’t know whether it’s because I’m Korean, but I’m grateful that foreigners are willing to adopt children who can’t find homes here.” I hear ya!

We have about 5 1/2 more months until we find out who our little one is. Of this we are certain- it will be a girl, she will be about 7 months and she will be Korean- and we couldn't be more thrilled.
These are still lovely photographs though- enjoy!
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